Having regular opportunities to connect together with others to both hear and be heard is incredibly important during these chaotic and powerful times.

Which is why I’ve been putting my energy into launching an online facilitator course for those that may be able to offer a bridge to others to find a greater sense of connection and sisterhood within their present lives.

Whether you’re already a circle facilitator or you’re just starting out, this training will provide you with the tools you need to lead healing and transforming women's circles.

For thousands of years, women have gathered in circle to share, learn, sing, and ultimately, to heal. Patriarchy teaches us that in order to be strong, powerful, worthy women we need to be independent and do everything on our own. Wise women know that we were never meant to do it alone.

Training Manual

After signing up to this 8week journey you will receive downloadable training manual. I started writing this over a year ago and imagine it a long time before that. It was a true labour of love. I’m so grateful for all of my teachers who shared with me their rituals, ceremonies, poems, prayers and songs, all wrapped up into this little (huge 195 pages book).

Rituals E-Book

In this course we are going to learn a lot about rituals and ceremonies. But the most important rituals are your own rituals! "The Ultimate Morning Rituals E-book" will help you to master the art of morning rituals!

Weekly Worksheets

Every week you are going to receive worksheets filled with transformational questions. Worksheets will be used in our online circles, they will make our gatherings even more interesting and healing.

Hi, my name is Aiste!

I do not pretend to be enlightened or complete in my learning. I consider myself a fabulous work in progress.

I am a woman, like you, learning, growing, laughing, and crying. I make mistakes. I step on people's toes. I get caught in fear and self-doubt. I still take things personally. Sometimes I feel invincible, sometimes I feel fragile and vulnerable. I honor and cherish all these parts of myself - even the ones I don't like so much.

After meeting with me, you will also love your mistakes, laugh at your fears, have faith in yourself, and feel the rich support!